
I have done something like the following

public class Foo
    public Bar { get; set; }

public class Bar
    internal Bar(string id)

public static class Bars
     public static class TypeOne
           public static readonly SimpleBar = new Bar("id-for-type1-simple-bar");

now, I added an InternalsVisibleTo to my in my unit-test-assembly to be able to access the internal Bar ctor and then I did:

var fixture = new Fixture();
fixture.Register(() => new Bar(fixture.CreateAnonymous<string>()));
var foo = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Foo>();

Was that the "right" way to utilize AutoFixture or is there a better one?



Couldn't you just do something like this instead?


This is all public. No need for InternalsVisibleTo, I think...


This code works since you already have a public static class that references Bar, this works without setting the InternalsVisibleTo attribute

        var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());


        var sut = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Foo>();


Never ever go down the road of InternalsVisibleTo - Don't make me start the list, but it starts with every part of your system including all test helpers being strong named.

If you definitely can't (think long and hard about it - most of the time you're far better off putting internals you dont consider part of your public api into a namespace so they don't clutter anything - e.g. Xunit.Sdk and various .Internal sub-namespaces I've used for my employer), then the correct way to manage this exposing of stuff For Tests Only is the notion of For Tests Only. NB the reason this has a name is that it is (correctly) called out as an antipattern in the xUnit Test Patterns book.

Now, to answer your question...

  1. CONSIDER hiding stuff that users shouldnt generally require in a separate namespace
  2. NEVER use InternalsVisibleTo
  3. DONT use Test Only Code

Expose a factory which is only exposed in Internal (maybe DEBUG?) Builds of your software (but ideally you'd have it unconditional in another namespace):

public static class BarsForTestOnly
    public static Bar Create( string id )
        return new Bar( id );

And use it like this:

public class Facts

public void Fact()
    Fixture fixture = new Fixture();
    fixture.Register( ( string name ) => BarsForTestOnly.Create( name ) );
    var anonymousBar = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Bar>();

public void FactSyntax2() // Just a variant of Fact above
    Fixture fixture = new Fixture();
    fixture.Register<string, Bar>( BarsForTestOnly.Create );
    var anonymousBar = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Bar>();

public void UsingFromFactory()
    Fixture fixture = new Fixture();
    fixture.Customize<Bar>(  x=> x.FromFactory<string>( BarsForTestOnly.Create ) );
    var anonymousBar = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Bar>();

Alternately, to make what you have Just Work, you can do:

public void UsingCtor()
    Fixture fixture = new Fixture();
    fixture.Register( ( string name )=> new Bar( name ) );
    var anonymousBar = fixture.CreateAnonymous<Bar>();
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