
What is the cleanest, most readable way to String.Format a decimal with the following criteria

  • start with a sign symbol (+ or -)
  • a fixed number of fraction digits
  • no decimal separator
  • right aligned
  • pre-padded with "0"'s

For example

  • 123,45 would become "+0012345"
  • -1123,45 would become "-0112345"


You almost certainly want a Custom numeric format string to pass to the String.Format method.

The custom format string can contain 2 sections (first for positive, second for negative formatting) for which you can supply the literal + or -. So to format with 7 characters zero padded this is something like:


However, this will truncate a decimal, and so your input gives

123.45 --> +0000123
-1123.45 --> -0001123

One simple solution is just multiply your number by 100 (to fix the number of decimal digits to 2) before passing it to the above

Live example: http://rextester.com/SZR8690 (C# - sorry, but only demo's the idea)

This could then be wrapped up into an extension method:

Public Function ToFixedFormat(ByVal value As Decimal, ByVal numFractionalDigits As Integer)
    Return String.Format("{0:'+'0000000;'-'0000000}",value * Math.Pow(10,numFractionalDigits))
End Function

Live example: http://rextester.com/LSAAA60214 (VB.NET)


Maybe there's something better because it looks a bit clumsy, but it works.

I specify the positive and negative format to enforce the plus-sign for positive numbers and a fixed size string. Then i use the InvariantCulture to enforce the point as decimal separator (i could have used other cultures too). The last step is to remove the point.

Dim value = -1123.45
Dim formatted = value.ToString(
formatted = formatted.Replace(".", "")

As you can see i don't know how to specify no decimal separator.

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