
A question about whether or not I'm going about something in the best way...

I would like to have a class hierarchy in Python that looks (minimally) like the following;

class Actor
  class Mover(Actor)
  class Attacker(Actor)
    class Human(Mover, Attacker)

But I run up against the fact that Actor has a certain attribute which I'd like to initialise, from each of the Mover and Attacker subclasses, such as in below;

class Actor:
    _world = None
    def __init__(self, world):
        self._world = world

class Mover(Actor):
    _speed = 0
    def __init__(self, world, speed):
        Actor.__init__(self, world)
        self._speed = speed

class Attacker(Actor):
    _range = 0
    def __init__(self, world, range):
        Actor.__init__(self, world)
        self._range = range

If I was then to go with my initial approach to this, and follow what I always have in terms of using superclass' constructors, I will obviously end up calling the Actor constructor twice - not a problem, but my programmer sense tingles and says I'd rather do it a cleaner way;

class Human(Mover, Attacker):
    def __init__(self, world, speed, range):
        Mover.__init__(self, world, speed)
        Attacker.__init__(self, world, range)

I could only call the Mover constructor, for example, and simply initialise the Human's _range explicitly, but this jumps out at me as a much worse approach, since it duplicates the initialisation code for an Attacker.

Like I say, I'm aware that setting the _world attribute twice is no big deal, but you can imagine that if something more intensive went on in Actor.__init__, this situation would be a worry. Can anybody suggest a better practice for implementing this structure in Python?



What you've got here is called diamond inheritance. The Python object model solves this via the method resolution order algorithm, which uses C3 linearization; in practical terms, all you have to do is use super and pass through **kwargs (and in Python 2, inherit from object):

class Actor(object):    # in Python 3, class Actor:
    _world = None
    def __init__(self, world):
        self._world = world

class Mover(Actor):
    _speed = 0
    def __init__(self, speed, **kwargs):
        super(Mover, self).__init__(**kwargs)    # in Python 3, super().__init__(**kwargs)
        self._speed = speed

class Attacker(Actor):
    _range = 0
    def __init__(self, range, **kwargs):
        super(Attacker, self).__init__(**kwargs) # in Python 3, super().__init__(**kwargs)
        self._range = range

class Human(Mover, Attacker):
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(Human, self).__init__(**kwargs)    # in Python 3, super().__init__(**kwargs)

Note that you now need to construct Human with kwargs style:

human = Human(world=world, range=range, speed=speed)

What actually happens here? If you instrument the __init__ calls you find that (renaming the classes to A, B, C, D for conciseness):

  • D.__init__ calls B.__init__
    • B.__init__ calls C.__init__
      • C.__init__ calls A.__init__
        • A.__init__ calls object.__init__

What's happening is that super(B, self) called on an instance of D knows that C is next in the method resolution order, so it goes to C instead of directly to A. We can check by looking at the MRO:

>>> D.__mro__
(<class '__main__.D'>, <class '__main__.B'>, <class '__main__.C'>, <class '__main__.A'>, <type 'object'>)

For a better understanding, read Python’s super() considered super!

Note that super is absolutely not magic; what it does can be approximated in Python itself (here just for the super(cls, obj) functionality, using a closure to bypass __getattribute__ circularity):

def super(cls, obj):
    mro = type(obj).__mro__
    parent = mro[mro.index(cls) + 1]
    class proxy(object):
        def __getattribute__(self, name):
            return getattr(parent, name).__get__(obj)
    return proxy()
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