
I'm using a windows-api that returns a wide-char multi-string as result. The result is same as below:


Is there any standard function or good performance solution to copy this structure to a buffer?

copy_wide_char_multi_string(dst, src); // dst and src are wchar_t arrays


I've never bothered to work with wide character strings so consider this a guideline.

You can implement an algorithm like the following:

wchar_t * wide_string = L"something\0something else\0herp\0derp\0\0";
int size = 0;

int i = wcslen(wide_string + size);     // length of wide string
size += i + 1;                          // length of wide string inc. null terminator
while (true)
    int i = wcslen(wide_string + size); // length of wide string
    size += i + 1;                      // length of wide string inc. null terminator
    if (i == 0) break;                  // if length was 0 (2 nulls in a row) break
++size;                                 // count final null as part of size

This will give you the size of the data in the buffer. Once you have that you can just use wmemcpy on it


You seem to be already knowing size of original array.so create another wchar_t clonned array of same size and simply use std::copy

std::copy(original, original+size, clonned)
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