
How would I create a cookie that would store the randomly added body class for one browser session or for one day. My intention would be to randomly give every user a body background image and then store that image so that it won't change every pagereload or when they go to page 2.

Site http://www.midnightlisteners.com/

i am using this jQuery plugIn: https://github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie

but it does not work somehow

My jQuery code:

the code that I use:

if($.cookie('userBackground') === null) {
    var classes = ['body-bg1','body-bg2', 'body-bg3', 'body-bg4'];
    var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random()*classes.length);
    var chosenClass = classes[randomnumber];
    $('body').addClass(chosenClass );
    $.cookie('userBackground', chosenClass, { expires: 7, path: '/' });
} else {
   //todo verify cookie value is valid

Errors i am getting:

Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
Uncaught TypeError: Object function (a,b){return new e.fn.init(a,b,h)} has no method 'cookie'  

Are there other ways to do this? php? pure javascript?




If you want to make it only last the length of the session then just use the session instead:

if(!isset($_SESSION['bgclass'])) {
   // lets make our cookie!
   $classes = array('body-bg1','body-bg2', 'body-bg3', 'body-bg4');

   $classIndex = array_rand($classes);

   $_SESSION['bgclass'] = $classes[$classIndex];


$bgclass = $_SESSION['bgclass'];

This way after the session times out or the browser is closed the user will get a new bgclass value.

If you already have php running i would do it that way. Much better to handle this server side if you can. Its also a bit simpler:

if(!isset($_COOKIE['bgclass'])) {
   // lets make our cookie!
   $classes = array('body-bg1','body-bg2', 'body-bg3', 'body-bg4');
   $expire = time()+(60*60*24); // expire 1 day form now
   $classIndex = array_rand($classes);

   $bgclass = $classes[$classIndex]; // had $class here as opposed to $classes

   setcookie('bgclass', $bgclass, $expire);

} else {
  $bgclass = $_COOKIE['bgclass'];
  <body class="<?php echo $bgclass ?>">

The key thing to remeber is that a cookie is essentially a response header so you have to do this before headers have been sent (ie. anything from php is output to the browser).

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