

ofstream outFile("test.txt", std::ios::out | std::ios::binary);
wstring hello = L"hello";
outFile.write((char *) hello.c_str(), hello.length() * sizeof(wchar_t));


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FF FE 68 00 00 00 65 00 00 00 6C 00 00 00 6C 00 00 00 6F 00 00 00 




sizeof(wchar_t)は環境内で4であると思われます。つまり、UTF-16ではなくUTF-32 / UCS-4を書き出しています。それは確かに16進ダンプがどのように見えるかです。


UTF-32 wstringからUTF-16に移行するには、サロゲートペアが作用するため、適切なエンコーディングを適用する必要があります。


ここでは、使用頻度の低いロケールプロパティに遭遇します。 文字列を(生データではなく)文字列として出力する場合、適切な変換を自動的に行うロケールを取得できます。


#include <locale>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
// See Below for the facet
#include "UTF16Facet.h"

int main(int argc,char* argv[])
   // construct a custom unicode facet and add it to a local.
   UTF16Facet *unicodeFacet = new UTF16Facet();
   const std::locale unicodeLocale(std::cout.getloc(), unicodeFacet);

   // Create a stream and imbue it with the facet
   std::wofstream   saveFile;

   // Now the stream is imbued we can open it.
   // NB If you open the file stream first. Any attempt to imbue it with a local will silently fail.
   saveFile << L"This is my Data\n";



 #include <locale>

class UTF16Facet: public std::codecvt<wchar_t,char,std::char_traits<wchar_t>::state_type>
   typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t,char,std::char_traits<wchar_t>::state_type> MyType;
   typedef MyType::state_type          state_type;
   typedef MyType::result              result;

   /* This function deals with converting data from the input stream into the internal stream.*/
    * from, from_end:  Points to the beginning and end of the input that we are converting 'from'.
    * to,   to_limit:  Points to where we are writing the conversion 'to'
    * from_next:       When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to read from. (ie the first unconverted input character)
    * to_next:         When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to write to.
    * status:          This indicates the status of the conversion.
    *                  possible values are:
    *                  error:      An error occurred the bad file bit will be set.
    *                  ok:         Everything went to plan
    *                  partial:    Not enough input data was supplied to complete any conversion.
    *                  nonconv:    no conversion was done.
   virtual result  do_in(state_type &s,
                           const char  *from,const char *from_end,const char* &from_next,
                           wchar_t     *to,  wchar_t    *to_limit,wchar_t*    &to_next) const
       // Loop over both the input and output array/
       for(;(from < from_end) && (to < to_limit);from += 2,++to)
           /*Input the Data*/
           /* As the input 16 bits may not fill the wchar_t object
            * Initialise it so that zero out all its bit's. This
            * is important on systems with 32bit wchar_t objects.
           (*to)                               = L'\0';

           /* Next read the data from the input stream into
            * wchar_t object. Remember that we need to copy
            * into the bottom 16 bits no matter what size the
            * the wchar_t object is.
           reinterpret_cast<char*>(to)[0]  = from[0];
           reinterpret_cast<char*>(to)[1]  = from[1];
       from_next   = from;
       to_next     = to;

       return((from > from_end)?partial:ok);

   /* This function deals with converting data from the internal stream to a C/C++ file stream.*/
    * from, from_end:  Points to the beginning and end of the input that we are converting 'from'.
    * to,   to_limit:  Points to where we are writing the conversion 'to'
    * from_next:       When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to read from. (ie the first unconverted input character)
    * to_next:         When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to write to.
    * status:          This indicates the status of the conversion.
    *                  possible values are:
    *                  error:      An error occurred the bad file bit will be set.
    *                  ok:         Everything went to plan
    *                  partial:    Not enough input data was supplied to complete any conversion.
    *                  nonconv:    no conversion was done.
   virtual result do_out(state_type &state,
                           const wchar_t *from, const wchar_t *from_end, const wchar_t* &from_next,
                           char          *to,   char          *to_limit, char*          &to_next) const
       for(;(from < from_end) && (to < to_limit);++from,to += 2)
           /* Output the Data */
           /* NB I am assuming the characters are encoded as UTF-16.
            * This means they are 16 bits inside a wchar_t object.
            * As the size of wchar_t varies between platforms I need
            * to take this into consideration and only take the bottom
            * 16 bits of each wchar_t object.
           to[0]     = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(from)[0];
           to[1]     = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(from)[1];

       from_next   = from;
       to_next     = to;

       return((to > to_limit)?partial:ok);

C ++ 11 標準を使用すると簡単です(この問題を永遠に解決する&quot; utf8&quot; などの追加インクルードが多数あるため)。


  1. ストリームのUTFコンバーターに関する記事を読む
  2. 上記のソースからプロジェクトに stxutif.h を追加します
  3. 次のように、ANSIモードでファイルを開き、ファイルの先頭にBOMを追加します。

    std::ofstream fs;
    fs.open(filepath, std::ios::out|std::ios::binary);
    unsigned char smarker[3];
    smarker[0] = 0xEF;
    smarker[1] = 0xBB;
    smarker[2] = 0xBF;
    fs << smarker;
  4. 次に、ファイルを UTF として開き、そこにコンテンツを書き込みます:

    std::wofstream fs;
    fs.open(filepath, std::ios::out|std::ios::app);
    std::locale utf8_locale(std::locale(), new utf8cvt<false>);
    fs << .. // Write anything you want...

wofstreamと上記で定義されたutf16ファセットを使用するウィンドウでは、wofstreamは値0Aのすべてのバイトを2バイト0D 0Aに変換するため失敗します。 x0A '、L' \ x000A '、' \ n '、L' \ n '、およびstd :: endlはすべて同じ結果になります。 Windowsでは、バイナリモードでofstream(wofsteamではない)を使用してファイルを開き、元の投稿と同じように出力を書き込む必要があります。

提供された Utf16Facet は大きな文字列に対して gcc で機能しませんでした。ここに私のために機能したバージョンがあります...この方法でファイルは< code> UTF-16LE 。 UTF-16BE の場合、単純に do_in do_out の割り当てを反転します。 to [0] = from [1] および to [1] = from [0]

#include <locale>
#include <bits/codecvt.h>

class UTF16Facet: public std::codecvt<wchar_t,char,std::char_traits<wchar_t>::state_type>
   typedef std::codecvt<wchar_t,char,std::char_traits<wchar_t>::state_type> MyType;
   typedef MyType::state_type          state_type;
   typedef MyType::result              result;

   /* This function deals with converting data from the input stream into the internal stream.*/
    * from, from_end:  Points to the beginning and end of the input that we are converting 'from'.
    * to,   to_limit:  Points to where we are writing the conversion 'to'
    * from_next:       When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to read from. (ie the first unconverted input character)
    * to_next:         When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to write to.
    * status:          This indicates the status of the conversion.
    *                  possible values are:
    *                  error:      An error occurred the bad file bit will be set.
    *                  ok:         Everything went to plan
    *                  partial:    Not enough input data was supplied to complete any conversion.
    *                  nonconv:    no conversion was done.
   virtual result  do_in(state_type &s,
                           const char  *from,const char *from_end,const char* &from_next,
                           wchar_t     *to,  wchar_t    *to_limit,wchar_t*    &to_next) const

       for(;from < from_end;from += 2,++to)
               (*to)                               = L'\0';

               reinterpret_cast<char*>(to)[0]  = from[0];
               reinterpret_cast<char*>(to)[1]  = from[1];

               from_next   = from;
               to_next     = to;

       return((to != to_limit)?partial:ok);

   /* This function deals with converting data from the internal stream to a C/C++ file stream.*/
    * from, from_end:  Points to the beginning and end of the input that we are converting 'from'.
    * to,   to_limit:  Points to where we are writing the conversion 'to'
    * from_next:       When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to read from. (ie the first unconverted input character)
    * to_next:         When the function exits this should have been updated to point at the next location
    *                  to write to.
    * status:          This indicates the status of the conversion.
    *                  possible values are:
    *                  error:      An error occurred the bad file bit will be set.
    *                  ok:         Everything went to plan
    *                  partial:    Not enough input data was supplied to complete any conversion.
    *                  nonconv:    no conversion was done.
   virtual result do_out(state_type &state,
                           const wchar_t *from, const wchar_t *from_end, const wchar_t* &from_next,
                           char          *to,   char          *to_limit, char*          &to_next) const

       for(;(from < from_end);++from, to += 2)
           if(to <= to_limit){

               to[0]     = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(from)[0];
               to[1]     = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(from)[1];

               from_next   = from;
               to_next     = to;

       return((to != to_limit)?partial:ok);

WinHex を使用すると、実際のビットとバイトを確認して、出力が実際にUTF-16であることを確認できます。ここに投稿して、結果をお知らせください。これにより、Firefoxを非難するか、C ++プログラムを非難するかがわかります。

しかし、あなたのC ++プログラムが動作し、FirefoxがUTF-16を正しく解釈していないように見えます。 UTF-16は、すべての文字に対して2バイトを呼び出します。しかし、Firefoxは本来の2倍の文字数を印刷しているので、おそらく文字列をUTF-8またはASCIIとして解釈しようとしています。


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