
I have several input fields that are enhanced with jQuery auto-complete functionality. How to get the corresponding input field when a select event is triggered?

<input name="1" value="">
<input name="2" value="">
<input name="3" value="">

    source: 'suggestions.php',
    select: function(event, ui) {
        // here I need the input element that have triggered the event


Try using $(this)

    source: 'suggestions.php',
    select: function(event, ui) {
        // here I need the input element that have triggered the event


I was using an anonymous function for the source param, and $(this) inside it referenced the funcion, not the element that was triggering it. I had to use $(this.element).

The final code ended similar to this (I simplified it for demo purposes):

$( ".regionsAutocomplete" ).autocomplete({
    source: function(request, response){

        //The next line is the important one for this example
        var input = this.element;

        var data = {'foo':'bar'};
            'url': ajaxurl,
            'data': data,
            'method': "POST",
            'dataType': "json",
            'success': function(data) {

You can use $(this) or event.target.

Then you can get the name using $(this).prop('name') or event.target.name.


As far as I can tell for this example, you wouldn't need the $(). this would work just fine since name is a defined attribute.


Use $(this)

 select: function(event, ui) {
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