
I'm trying to use a webservice, where I need to work with ComplexTypes.

This is the output from the Service:

<req i:type="d:String"></req><File i:type="c:base64">MS4wMDE6MTYxHTEuMDAyOjAwHTEuMDAzOjEfMx4yHzAeNB8xHjQfMh0xLjAw

As you can see there is a <req> node and a <File> node. The req-node ends before the File-node starts. This is not what I try to accomplish, the File-Node should be inside the req-node. I'm using KSoap, and this is what I've tried:

SoapObject tempObject = soapObject.addProperty("req", "");
        SoapObject tempObject1 = soapObject.addProperty("File", File);

        SoapSerializationEnvelope soapSerializationEnvelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(

How can I add some data to a complex type in KSOAP?



I used ksoap a while ago and I added complex objects to my request with the following code:

public static PropertyInfo createPropertyInfo(String name, Object value, Object type) {
    PropertyInfo pi1 = new PropertyInfo();
    return pi1;

And this method is called like this:

request.addProperty(createPropertyInfo("complexType", objectOfComplexType, objectOfComplexType.getClass()));
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