
I have an Rails application which I am attempting to include the faye ruby gem.
I have installed faye with

gem install faye 

and added a faye.ru to my root rails app. folder:

require 'faye'
faye_server = Faye::RackAdapter.new(:mount => '/faye', :timeout => 45)
run faye_server

When I want to start faye with:

rackup -s thin -E production config.ru 

I only get:

`require': cannot load such file -- faye

How do I address this issue?



You need to include it in your Gemfile:

gem 'faye'

Then run bundle install, this make the gem available to your application.

Also consider gem 'faye', require: 'faye' to make the loaded gem available to your entire application.


require 'rubygems' on the top of your faye.ru (before the require 'faye') will probably resolve this.

For my case, just add bundle exec before the command and it worked.

bundle exec rackup faye.ru -E production -s thin

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