
scala> (1,5) == BigInt(12) /% 7
res3: Boolean = true

scala> BigInt(12) /% 7 match {
 | case (1,5) => true
 | }

<console>:9: error: type mismatch;
found   : Int(1)
required: scala.math.BigInt
          case (1,5) => true

Can someone perhaps explain me how to pattern match here?



match is more specific than equality; you can't just be equal, you must also have the same type.

In this case, BigInt is not a case class and does not have an unapply method in its companion object, so you can't match on it directly. The best you could do is

  BigInt(12) /% 7 match {
    case (a: BigInt,b: BigInt) if (a==1 && b==5) => true
    case _ => false

or some variant thereof (e.g. case ab if (ab == (1,5)) =>).

Alternatively, you could create an object with an unapply method of appropriate type:

object IntBig { def unapply(b: BigInt) = Option(b.toInt) }

scala> BigInt(12) /% 7 match { case (IntBig(1), IntBig(5)) => true; case _ => false }
res1: Boolean = true


1 and 5 are Int types. The pattern match is expecting a scala.math.BigInt. So, give it that by declaring a couple of vals for one and five.

scala> val OneBig = BigInt(1)
oneBig: scala.math.BigInt = 1

scala> val FiveBig = BigInt(5)
fiveBig: scala.math.BigInt = 5

scala> BigInt(12) /% 7 match {
     | case (OneBig, FiveBig) => true
     | }
res0: Boolean = true

The problem is that 1 and 5 returned by /% are BigInts and so don't match literal Ints even though equals method (called by ==) returns true. This works but is a bit inelegant:

scala> BigInt(12) /% 7 match { case (x, y) if x == 1 && y == 5 => true }
res3: Boolean = true
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