
I need to run an annotation processor on my project's sources. The annotation processor should not become a transitive dependency of the project since it's only needed for annotation processing and nothing else.

Here is the complete (non-working) test pom I use for this:

<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
         xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
  <name>Test annotations</name>

I explicitly defined org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor as an annotation processor in the plugin configuration for tests and I know it shouldn't be required.

The problem I'm encountering is that the hibernate-jpamodelgen dependency is not added to the compiler classpath so the annotation processor is not found and the build fails.

As per this answer, I tried adding the dependency as a build extension (not sure I understand what those are supposed to be!) like so:


This also doesn't add hibernate-jpamodelgen to the compiler classpath.

The only thing I found which works so far is adding the dependency to the project in the <dependencies> section. This has the unfortunate side-effect of adding hibernate-jpamodelgen as a transitive dependency afterwards which I want to avoid.

My previous working setup uses the maven-processor-plugin plugin to achieve what I want. However, this plugin is not supported by eclipse m2e and the latest version of the maven-compiler-plugin now handles multiple compiler arguments properly so I'd rather use the latter.


解決 2

Add the dependency as an optional dependency (<optional>true</optional>). This will add the dependency under compilation, but will prevent it for being a transitive dependency:


If you're creating an artifact in this module with all your dependencies in it (like a .war), you may use the <scope>provided</scope> instead. This both prevents the dependency to be transitive and to be included in the artifact the module produces.


The annotationProcessorPaths option can be used in recent versions of the Maven compiler plug-in:


That way the processor is separated from the actual project dependencies. This option is also picked up by the Eclipse M2E plug-in if annotation processing is enabled for the project.

For JDK 10 I really had to go a bit crazy to get it to work, Hoping someone finds this useful



The problem is really in 3.* version of the maven-compiler-plugin. It acts a bit different from the 2.* version. In particular, it seems that maven-compiler-plugin3.* doesn't add its dependencies and build extensions to the classpath because it uses javax.tools instruments for running compile process. To get back the old behavior for maven-compiler-plugin you should use a new configuration property forceJavacCompilerUse:


Please take a look jpa-metamodels-with-maven

For further visitors, I found that there are some significant changes in maven-compiler-plugin 3.x series.

This is how I do this. (I'm the one who you linked)

The point is that my solution does not work with those 3.x series of maven-compiler-plugin.

<project ...>



        <version>2.5.1</version> <!-- See this? -->


Not sure what kind of build error you got, but here is my case: I got the following compile error in Idea: Annotation processor 'org.hibernate.jpamodelgen.JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor' not found error

But, when compiled from Maven, it was all fine.

So, the problem of mine was that somehow I got wrong configuration in Idea settings. Particularly, it appeared that Idea somehow detected the processor and put in into the settings of module processor profiles. It is discussed here.

I fixed it as the following:

  1. Go to Idea > Settings > Annotation Processors.
  2. For each processor profile make sure that:
    • Enable annotation processing is Yes;
    • There is no annotation processor FQ name of one you have error about (e.i. "JPAMetaModelEntityProcessor") in the list on the right side. If it is listed there, just select and click '-' minus button to remove it.

I think this is a better way to contain such dependencies in profiles to solve such problems.

             // XXX artifact path
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