
Exhaustive pattern matching is great, but it only appears to work on the left-hand side of the case (=>) operator.

I am curious if there is a way that a person can verify that the output of a function (or expression) can be bound to that enumeration. The goal would be to have the compiler tell me when I forget to output an item from the enumeration.

In my example, I make use of the following enumeration containing three items:

object MyEnum { 
    sealed trait t 
    case object E1 extends t
    case object E2 extends t
    case object E3 extends t

And here is a pattern-match expression that would produce a compile-time warning (as we already know):

def foo( e : MyEnum.t ) : Boolean =
    e match {
        case MyEnum.E1 => true
        case MyEnum.E2 => false
        case MyEnum.E3 => true   // if we leave this line out, we get a warning

Scala would complain if we left MyEnum.E3 out of the pattern matching expression, citing a non-exhaustive pattern match. This is profoundly beneficial, but I wonder if the reverse is possible.

Can we account for all cases of MyEnum.t on the right-hand side of =>?

Here is an example that highlights this:

def bar( s : String ) : Option[MyEnum.t] = 
    s match {
        case "a" => Some(MyEnum.E1)
        case "b" => Some(MyEnum.E2)
        case "c" => Some(MyEnum.E3)  // if we leave this out, no warning
        case _ => None

In this example, if we leave out the line with MyEnum.E3, then the compiler just carries on as if nothing is wrong. The assertion I would like to make, is:

forall MyEnum.t (aliased as e) there exists Some(e) | None

I understand that this could be easily covered by a run-time test, but I'm curious if there is a way to check this statically.




I am going to push my luck and claim it is not possible (let's keep this a secret from Odersky). If the Scala compiler was able to detect such situations, I think it would be even slower than it already is ;)

The only way I could see is to define foo similarly to how you have done, and define bar by making it iterate over foo to make a reverse map, but that doesn't make much sense to me, and might not work in your specific case.

I think your case is a very good example for when unit tests are useful, so why not just write one?


No, it is not possible, because this is equivalent to the Halting Problem, which was proven unsolvable in 1936.

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