
I am suffering from Delphi 2009 :)

I have to find some bugs in a very old, grown software written in Delphi. When I launch the application in the Debugger, I just get an Error Msg saying: "Access violation at address xy". But I do not get any hint on the line of coide that caused the error. I really can not believe that Delphi is not able to show this information like Java for example does. I am sure I am doing something wrong here.

I have activated Debug Infos in Linker page (in Projekt options) with no success.

Please give me some hints how to setup Delphi correctly to show me the broken line. If there would be a call stacktrace as known from Java, it would be even better.




You should add exception logging to your application. For example EurekaLog or madExcept. I personally use the latter and cannot recommend it highly enough.

Once you have the exception logging tool added to your project, any unhandled exceptions will result in a comprehensive bug report including stack traces for your threads.

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