
I have a geddyJs app that is crashing when starting..

the crash log is:

2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 heroku[run.4236]: Starting process with command `geddy -e production`
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]: 
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]: module.js:340
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     throw err;
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:           ^
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]: Error: Cannot find module '/app/config/true'
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Module.require (module.js:362:17)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at require (module.js:378:17)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at config.readConfig (/app/node_modules/geddy/lib/config.js:49:24)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at _readConfig (/app/node_modules/geddy/lib/cluster/master.js:36:30)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at async.AsyncBase.runItem (/app/node_modules/geddy/node_modules/utilities/lib/async.js:108:10)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at async.AsyncBase.next (/app/node_modules/geddy/node_modules/utilities/lib/async.js:113:12)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Master.start (/app/node_modules/geddy/lib/cluster/master.js:257:11)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 app[web.1]:     at Object.utils.mixin.startCluster (/app/node_modules/geddy/lib/geddy.js:64:9)
2013-02-14T04:04:19+00:00 heroku[run.4236]: State changed from starting to up
2013-02-14T04:04:20+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Process exited with status 1
2013-02-14T04:04:20+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to crashed

My Procfile is:

web: geddy -e $NODE_ENV

My Package.json file is:

        "name": "new-gorelative",
        "version": "0.0.1",
        "auther": "Mike DeVita <mike@gorelative.com>",
        "dependencies": {
            "geddy": "0.6.x",
            "handlebars": "*"
      "engines": {
        "node": "0.8.x",
        "npm": "1.1.x"


i figured it out.

Edit the config/production.js file and delete/comment the following lines(port, hostname)

var config = {
  //port: '3000',
  // hostname: ''

Add a app.js javascript file to your app's root directory, the configs set in this will override production.js

var geddy = require('geddy');

  hostname: process.env.IP || '',
  port: process.env.PORT || '3000',
  // you can manually set this to production, or set an environment variable via heroku..
  environment: 'production'
  // just uncomment the below line, and delete the above line.
  // you will need to set an environment variable in heroku by running
  // heroku config:set NODE_ENV=production
  //environment: process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'

Add a Procfile text file to your app's root directory

web: node app.js

remove the line for config\secrets.json in your .gitignore file - note: This is insecure, on public repo's as it exposes your cookie's secret hash.


The deployment documentation has been updated to reflect the current steps needed to deploy to heroku (amongs others). New changes will/should be updated there.

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