
Scenario: I am recording a script which is fetching values from CSV name and email. I have used ${email} and ${name} at the time which candidate is registering. Every time candidate register, unique instance Id is generated on the basis of which further action is performed.


Candidate registers -> Unique Id (say 12345) -> ST : Start some test on the website -> Some responses saved for 12345 -> FT : Finish test on website

Need to perform the same for say 500 candidates. I am fetching unique email and name from csv.
How do i store/handle unique instance Id for each candidate dynamically and perform the entire operation?
Currently each operation is getting performed for same unique instance Id (12345) with 0% error.

Let me know if any other details needed for the same.

UPDATE from comments:

I can use say UniqueId whenever candidate registers using a RegEx Extractor or a XPath Extractor and i can pass that value in further process.
Now issue is i have to pass the stored variable in JSON.
No clue about that.



Since you've extracted UniqueId value using any extractor component it's stored in jmeter variable (pointed in the extractor's configuration) and can be referred as e.g. ${uniqueId}.

To pass into the further request you can use HTTP Request where in Post Body you can set your JSON request code with ${uniqueId} inserted in the right place. enter image description here


You can use regular expression extractor in jmeter to extract required variable value and store reference it with a variable name .

Later it can be used in later requests by usin ${variablename}

In the regular expression extractor you can use perl5 regular expressions

Refer to this link for additional information: http://www.jmeter4u.com/2013/04/chapter-6-handling-dynamic-server-values.html

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