how to stop one method execution untill another method completes in javascript with Linkedin API people search?



I am calling IN.API.PeopleSearch() from a for loop, and this for loop is in ajax success method, but before completing for loop execution, ajax method complete is getting called.

I want to stop until the for loop completes.

        type: 'GET',
        dataType: 'json',
        url: "get_data.htm",
        async : false,
        success: function(data, textStatus ){
            for(i in data){
                alert(resultArray);//here i want to send the response to server side
        error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
           alert('request failed');

here is my searchClick function :

function searchClick(firstName, secondName) {
  if (!IN.ENV.auth.oauth_token) {
    alert("You must login w/ LinkedIn to use the Search functionality!");

      .fields("id", "firstName", "lastName","emailAddress","headline","industry","pictureUrl","positions",
      "first-name": firstName,
      "last-name": secondName
    .result(function(result, metadata) {

    for (i in result.people.values) {
              resultArray[i] = result.people.values[i];


alert(resultArray) is getting called before completion of for loop, how to handle this.



I don't know if I get your question, but maybe something like that works for you: (not tested)

var Queue = function(callback) {
  this.count = 0;
  this.done = 0;
  this.callback = callback;

Queue.prototype.oneDone = function() {
  if (++this.done == this.count) {

Queue.prototype.process = function(data, callback) {
  this.count = data.length;

  for (i in data ) {
    callback(data[i], this);

  type: 'GET',
  dataType: 'json',
  url: "get_data.htm",
  async : false,
  success: function(data, textStatus) {
    var myQueue = new Queue(function() {
      alert(resultArray); //here i want to send the response to server side
    myQueue.process(data, function(item, queue) {
      searchClick(item.firstName, item.lastName, queue);
  error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){
    alert('request failed');

function searchClick(firstName, secondName, queue) {
  if (!IN.ENV.auth.oauth_token) {
    alert("You must login w/ LinkedIn to use the Search functionality!");

    .fields("id", "firstName", "lastName","emailAddress","headline","industry","pictureUrl","positions",
      "first-name": firstName,
      "last-name": secondName
    .result(function(result, metadata) {
      for (i in result.people.values) {
        try {
          resultArray[i] = result.people.values[i];
        } catch(err) {
      if (queue) {


I don't know what you are doing exactly, but can say we have one method, async

    Function.prototype.async = function () {
        setTimeout.bind(null, this, 0).apply(null, arguments);

This allows me to write code like this:

   alert.async("This will be displayed later.");
   alert("This will be displayed first.");

so the code with .async will called once the other event is completed.

Else in your case, use

 if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200)

for checking if the document is ready then send /fill /success. this is Raw AJAX method. :)

O hope this may help :)

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