
What could be the ideal way to model the elements on a webpage as classes for the sake of abstraction and re-usability?
Currently, what I have created is a BaseElement.java class that contains the following member variables:

WebDriver webdriver;

The constructor:

protected BaseElement(WebDriver driver)

I am then extending this class in other classes which represent a certain element on the webpage.
For example, I have a Button.java class which extends BaseElement.java.

  public class ButtonElement extends BaseElement {

        String locator;
        By by;
        WebElement button;

        protected ButtonElement(WebDriver driver, String locator, By by) {
            this.by = by;
            this.locator = locator;

           //code to find the element using driver.findElement()
           // I am not sure how to use By in here depending upon what I pass in the constructor when I create an object of this class. Any suggestions?

        public void click() {


        //Other methods which will interact with the element in other ways.

So, in my PageObject classes, I will make use of the above like:

Button loginButton = new Button(driver,"btn-Login",By.id);

Is this the right approach? Is there any better way to abstract, hide complicated logic in a single class, and reuse the elements like button, textbox, select list etc from a webdriver perspective?? Thanks in advance!



I don't believe passing in the driver each time you locate an element is the way to go, but I understand you are aiming to avoid repeating code. You could instead have a class that accesses a driver class, which is instantiated at the start of your code. This way you can pass in a 'type' and 'attribute' which will locate any implemented element. eg. Type: Id, Class, XPath; and Attribute: "text", "//div[@class="class"]/div[2]".

DriverClass: Has a WebDriver that implements FindElement with a switch for each type.
WrapperClass: Which has classes such as 'Click' or 'DoesElementExist' which uses DriverClass to implement functionality.
TestClass: Using calls to WrapperClass implements your code logic.

You could go further and implement common groupings of actions in another class that utilises WrapperClass so TestClass becomes a lot cleaner.


Well, in this case, there is more than one correct way to do it.

1st do not reinvent the wheel - there exists PageObject which does probably the same as you want: Read about it here

2nd my personal approach is to have Class for every page I visit and model methods to describe what they are doing. Something like this:

 class InitPage {
   private Webdriver driver;

   public InitPage(){
     driver = new FirefoxDriver();

    public WebDriver getDriver(){
     return driver;

    public AdminPage loginToSite(String username, String Password){#
     WebElement login = driver.FindElement(By.id("adm-login");
     WebElement pwd = driver.FindElement(By.id("adm-pwd");
     WebElement confirmButton = driver.FindElement(By.id("login-submit");\
     return new AdminPage(this);



class AdminPage{
  private InitPage initPage

  public AdminPage(InitPage init){
     this.initPage = init;

  public String getLoggedInUser();
  WebElement user = initPage.getDriver().findElement(By.id("usr-credential-name")); //just show off how you approach the webDriver
  return user.getText();   


And later on in the tests:

public void TestLoging(){
  InitPage firstPage = new InitPage();
  AdminPage administration = firstPage.login("Pavel", "omgTooSecretToTellYou!");
  Assert.assertEquals(administration.getLoggedInUser(), "Pavel"); //example how you can do the tests

I partly agree with Abhijeet and Pavel , When Abstracting a Webelement it would be good for you to Extend a Class which has already implemented all the Methods of Webelements interface , Other wise as Pavel said it would be like reinventing the Wheel , My personal opinion would be to Abstract larger WebElements like Forms which inturn has multiple Webelements ie eg. Forms are like Smaller pages ...But again that is my Personal Opinion.

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