
After struggling more than 6 hours, I decided to ask for help.

Mission: To create a project with the help of Django
Tools: Windows Vista, Putty SSH
Location: Bluehost (www.bluehost.com) Server

I have already read these topics about the same question:

  1. -bash: django-admin.py: command not found (Django Installation)
  2. Unable to use django-admin.py
  3. Django: When creating a new project, “django-admin.py: command not found” Error pops up
  4. django-admin.py: command not found
  5. Command not found: django-admin.py
  6. Django-admin.py not working (-bash:django-admin.py: command not found)

I have installed Python as explained here (Bluehost Help Page):

Python 2.7.2 installed and checked, and it looks like:

username@domain.com [~/python]# ls
./  ../  Python-2.7.2/  Python-2.7.2.tgz  bin/  include/  lib/  share/

the directory ~/python/Python-2.7.2/ looks like this:

username@domain.com [~/python/Python-2.7.2]# ls
./                LICENSE          Objects/  build/          pyconfig.h.in
../               Lib/             PC/       config.log      python*
.hg_archival.txt  Mac/             PCbuild/  config.status*  python-gdb.py
.hgtags           Makefile         Parser/   configure*      setup.py
Demo/             Makefile.pre     Python/   configure.in
Doc/              Makefile.pre.in  README    install-sh*
Grammar/          Misc/            RISCOS/   libpython2.7.a
Include/          Modules/         Tools/    pyconfig.h

and ~/python/bin/ looks like this:

username@domain.com [~/python/bin]# ls
./   2to3*             idle*   python*         python2.7*         smtpd.py*
../  django-admin.py*  pydoc*  python-config@  python2.7-config*

Django 1.5 installed and checked, and it looks like:

username@domain.com [~/Django-1.5]# ls
./   AUTHORS  LICENSE      PKG-INFO    build/   docs/    scripts/   setup.py
../  INSTALL  MANIFEST.in  README.rst  django/  extras/  setup.cfg  tests/

and ~/Django-1.5/bin/ looks like this:

username@domain.com [~/Django-1.5/django/bin]# ls
./   __init__.py        django-2to3.py*   profiling/
../  daily_cleanup.py*  django-admin.py*  unique-messages.py*

Problem: When I try to create my project, I see this error:

username@domain.com [~/www/domain/]# django-admin.py startproject mysite
-bash: django-admin.py: command not found

Then I have tried again without .py, I see this error:

username@domain.com [~/www/domain/]# django-admin.py startproject mysite
-bash: django-admin.py: command not found

~/.bashrc looks like this:

# .bashrc
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/.local/usr/bin:$PATH

 #User specific aliases and functions

alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc

~/bin/ looks like this:

username@domain.com [~/bin]# ls
./  ../

So I read a lot about the PATH, but I could not make it work. Should I give up?



Modify your .bashrc PATH entry to look like:

export PATH=$HOME/Django-1.5/bin/:$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/.local/usr/bin:$PATH

And reload your .bashrc by doing:

# . ~/.bashrc


Add django path to your $PATH.

Change you ~/.bashrc to

# .bashrc
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$HOME/.local/usr/bin:$HOME/Django-1.5/bin/:$PATH

 #User specific aliases and functions

alias mv='mv -i'
alias rm='rm -i'
alias cp='cp -i'

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
        . /etc/bashrc
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