

tell application "Finder"
    set myFiles to name of every file of somePath
end tell

文字列を変更するにはどうすればよいですか myFiles ファイル拡張機能を含めないようにしますか?

たとえば、取得できます {"foo.mov", "bar.mov"}, 、しかし持ちたいです {"foo", "bar"}.



-- Gets a list of filenames from the
on filenames from _folder

    -- Get filenames and extensions
    tell application "Finder"
        set _filenames to name of every file of _folder
        set _extensions to name extension of every file of _folder
    end tell

    -- Collect names (filename - dot and extension)
    set _names to {}
    repeat with n from 1 to count of _filenames

        set _filename to item n of _filenames
        set _extension to item n of _extensions

        if _extension is not "" then
            set _length to (count of _filename) - (count of _extension) - 1
            set end of _names to text 1 thru _length of _filename
            set end of _names to _filename
        end if

    end repeat

    -- Done
    return _names
end filenames

-- Example usage
return filenames from (path to desktop)


これがあなたが望んだことをする完全なスクリプトです。誰かが解決策として提供する簡単なワンライナーがあると思ったので、私は元々それを投稿することに消極的でした。うまくいけば、この解決策はそうではありません ルーベ・ゴールドバーグ 物事のやり方。

Finder Dictionaryにはを持っています 名前拡張機能 あなたが次のようなことをすることができるようにプロパティ

tell application "Finder"
   set myFiles to name extension of file 1 of (path to desktop)
end tell

したがって、上記は、ユーザーのデスクトップ上の最初のファイルの拡張機能を取得します。 (ベース名 - 拡張子)を取得するための単純な関数があるように思われますが、それは見つかりませんでした。


set filesFound to {}
set filesFound2 to {}
set nextItem to 1

tell application "Finder"
  set myFiles to name of every file of (path to desktop) --change path to whatever path you want   
end tell

--loop used for populating list filesFound with all filenames found (name + extension)
repeat with i in myFiles
  set end of filesFound to (item nextItem of myFiles)
  set nextItem to (nextItem + 1)
end repeat

set nextItem to 1 --reset counter to 1

--loop used for pulling each filename from list filesFound and then strip the extension   
--from filename and populate a new list called filesFound2
repeat with i in filesFound
  set myFile2 to item nextItem of filesFound
  set myFile3 to text 1 thru ((offset of "." in myFile2) - 1) of myFile2
  set end of filesFound2 to myFile3
  set nextItem to (nextItem + 1)
end repeat

return filesFound2



から http://www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/sbrt/index.html :

on remove_extension(this_name)
  if this_name contains "." then
    set this_name to ¬
    (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
    set x to the offset of "." in this_name
    set this_name to (text (x + 1) thru -1 of this_name)
    set this_name to (the reverse of every character of this_name) as string
  end if
  return this_name
end remove_extension


set extension hidden of thisFile to true
set thisName to displayed name of thisFile
-- display dialog "hey"
set extension hidden of thisFile to false

シングルラインの方法、ファインダーなし、システムイベントなし。より効率的で高速です。副作用(良い、または悪い可能性がある可能性があります):「。このキャラクターが剥奪されます。 「すべての文字の逆」を使用すると、名前が複数の期間として機能する場合に機能します。

set aName to text 1 thru ((aName's length) - (offset of "." in ¬
    (the reverse of every character of aName) as text)) of aName


on RemoveNameExt(aList)
    set CleanedList to {}
    repeat with aName in aList
        set the end of CleanedList to text 1 thru ((aName's length) - (offset of ¬
            "." in (the reverse of every character of aName) as text)) of aName
    end repeat
    return CleanedList
end RemoveNameExt


tell application "Finder"
  set myFile to name of file 1 of somePath
  set myFile2 to text 1 thru ((offset of "." in myFile) - 1) of myFile
end tell

ラウリ・ランタのものに基づいています 素敵な解決策, 、Finderが知らない拡張機能で機能します。

set delims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set myNames to {}
tell application "Finder"
    set myFiles to name of every file of (path to Desktop)
    repeat with myfile in myFiles
        set myname to name of file myfile
        if myname contains "." then set myname to (text items 1 thru -2 of myname) as text
        set end of myNames to myname
    end repeat
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delims
return myNames

Tell "Finder"ブロック内で、これはmyNamesで拡張機能を削除したファイル名を収集します。

repeat with f in myFiles
    set myNames's end to ¬
        (f's name as text)'s text 1 thru -(((f's name extension as text)'s length) + 2)
end repeat
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