
I've tried to use ActiveSupport's (2.3-stable) try() on an instance of HttpParty::Response. I've got a pretty strange behavior:

> ro.parsed_response
{"error"=>"RecordInvalid", "description"=>"Record validation errors", "details"=>{"email"=>     [{"description"=>"Email: foo@bar.com is already taken by another user"}]}}

> ro.try(:parsed_response)
NoMethodError Exception: undefined method `parsed_response' for #<Hash:0x11397d5d8>

In the first example, I send the parsed_response message to ro by using the dot notation. It works fine. In the second one, I try to call it using ActiveSupport's try(), and it (surprisingly) raises the NoMethodError exception.

Shouldn't try() have returned nil in this case? And why doesn't it find the "parsed_response" method, if I can call it using the dot notation, as seen in the first example?

Thanks in advance!



Have no idea how, but seems like ro object was "transfered" into a hash that has been sent a parsed_response method.
In Rails 2.3@ruby 1.8 undefined method for object raises an exception.

Besides, docs stay only for calling try on nil object and nothing about the object that doesn't have a specific method:

Unlike that method however, a NoMethodError exception will not be raised and nil will be returned instead, if the receiving object is a nil object or NilClass.

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