
I just started learning recursion and I have an assignment to write a program that tells the nesting depth of a list. Well, I browsed around and found working code to do this, but I'm still having trouble understanding how it works. Here's the code:

def depth(L) :
    nesting = [] 
    for c in L:
        if type(c)  == type(nesting) :
    if len(nesting)  > 0:
        return 1 + max(nesting)
    return 1

So naturally, I start to get confused at the line with the append that calls recursion. Does anyone have a simple way of explaining what's going on here? I'm not sure what is actually being appended, and going through it with test cases in my head isn't helping. Thanks!

edit: sorry if the formatting is poor, I typed this from my phone



Let me show it to you the easy way, change the code like this: (### are the new lines I added to your code so you can watch what is happening there)

def depth(L) :
    nesting = []
    for c in L:
        if type(c)  == type(nesting) :
            print 'nesting before append', nesting ###      
            print 'nesting after append', nesting ###
    if len(nesting)  > 0:
        return 1 + max(nesting)
    return 1

Now lets make a list with the depth of three:


You can see our list has 3 element. one of them is a list, the other is a list which has another list in itself and the last one is a string. You can clearly see the depth of this list is 3 (i.e there are 2 lists nested together in the second element of the main list)

Lets run this code:

>>> depth(l)
nesting before append []
nesting after append [1]
nesting before append [1]
nesting before append []
nesting after append [1]
nesting after append [1, 2]

Piece of cake! this function appends 1 to the nesting. then if the element has also another list it appends 1 + maximum number in nesting which is the number of time function has been called itself. and if the element is a string, it skips it.

At the end, it returns the maximum number in the nesting which is the maximum number of times recursion happened, which is the number of time there is a list inside list in the main list, aka depth. In our case recursion happened twice for the second element + 1=3 as we expected.

If you still have problem getting it, try to add more print statements or other variables to the function and watch them carefully and eventually you'll get it.


So what this seems to be is a function that takes a list and calculates, as you put it, the nesting depth of it. nesting is a list, so what if type(c) == type(nesting) is saying is: if the item in list L is a list, run the function again and append it and when it runs the function again, it will do the same test until there are no more nested lists in list L and then return 1 + the max amount of nested lists because every list has a depth of 1.

Please tell me if any of this is unclear

Let's start with a couple of examples.

First, let's consider a list with only one level of depth. For Example, [1, 2, 3].

In the above list, the code starts with a call to depth() with L = [1, 2, 3]. It makes an empty list nesting. Iterates over all the elements of L i.e 1, 2, 3 and does not find a single element which passes the test type(c) == type(nesting). The check that len(nesting) > 0 fails and the code returns a 1, which is the depth of the list.

Next, let's take an example with a depth of 2, i.e [[1, 2], 3]. The function depth() is called with L = [[1, 2], 3] and an empty list nesting is created. The loop iterates over the 2 elements of L i.e [1, 2] , 3 and since type([1, 2]) == type(nesting), nesting.append(depth(c)) is called. Similar to the previous example, depth(c) i.e depth([1, 2]) returns a 1 and nesting now becomes [1]. After the execution of the loop, the code evaluates the test len(nesting) > 0 which results in True and 1 + max(nesting) which is 1 + 1 = 2 is returned.

Similarly, the code follows for the depth 3 and so on.

Hope this was helpful.

This algorithm visits the nested lists and adds one for each level of recursion. The call chain is like this:

depth([1, 2, [3, [4, 5], 6], 7]) =
    1 + depth([3, [4, 5], 6]) = 3
        1 + depth([4, 5]) = 2

Since depth([4,5]) never enters the if type(c) == type(nesting) condition because no element is a list, it returns 1 from the outer return, which is the base case.

In the case where, for a given depth, you have more than one nested list, e.g. [1, [2, 3], [4, [5, 6]], both the max depth of [2,3]and [4, [5, 6]] are appended on a depth call, of which the max is returned by the inside return.

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