
I am trying how to create static html pages dynamically. It is because I am reading that dynamic content is not google friendly, google cannot crawle the content which is coming from database once the page is opened.

in exact example:

{{ content_from_db }}

this variable is replaced with long text. This long text contains many important keywords of the page. I read that this content is unfortunately not seen by google since it is dynamic.

Then I said, well lets create static html pages dynamically, but i am stuck here not knowing how..

is it possible?



Your premise is completely and utterly false. It is absolutely not the case that Google can't index dynamically created websites. Of course it can: StackOverflow, which has awesome SEO, is just one of the millions of dynamic websites indexed by Google.


yes its possible i will give u short example you can proceed with it. we had a similar requirement so what we did was

def GenerateDynamicSelectPopulate(model, modelFields):
    type: 'GET',
    async: false,
    url: '',
    cache: false,
    accepts: 'application/json',
    success: function(data){
        var options = ''
        for(i = 0; i < data.objects.length; ++i) {
            var str =  '<option value="' + data.objects[i].id + '">'+ %s + '</option>'
    dataType: "json"

here replace all '%s' in above code from the value you want similarly for html page u make a string having html code and things that can change make them as %s and provide value at runtime thus you can make html page at runtime

good luck

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