
In Fparsec V.0.8, there is FParser.CharParser.whitespace. But in Fparsec 0.9.2, there isn't FParser.CharParser.whitespace.Where is the whitespace in Fparsec v. 0.9.2?

When I tried to compile the project "Write Yourself a Scheme in 48 Hours in F#" (visit http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Write-Yourself-a-Scheme-in-d50ae449), the problem was met.



It's FParser.CharParser.spaces.

The code you linked fails in this line:

let spaces1 : LispParser<unit> = skipMany1 whitespace

But there is also spaces1 already defined, so you can just delete that line and it will compile.

Have a look at http://www.quanttec.com/fparsec/reference/charparsers.html#members.spaces

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