
On an IIS server with Application Request Routing, new server farms to be routed to can be added by right-clicking Server Farms -> Create Server Farm.

This will pop up a dialog where the settings for the server farm can be entered. I did not manage to find a way to edit or view these settings after they are accepted in the Create-Serverfarms-dialog.

My question is therefore: How can I edit the target-url, http-port and https-port settings of a server farm outside of the create-serverfarm dialog?



You could use the command line to do so.

For example, lets say we have a Server Farm called test with one application server www.example.com in it:


All the following commands need to be run in the %windir%\system32\inetsrv directory unless you have it in your PATH.
To change the target-url of the application server to www.google.com, use:

appcmd.exe set config /section:webFarms /"[name='test'].[address='www.example.com']".address:www.google.com

You can change any parameters the way you would do it with the dialog (and even more).
To get the list of parameters you can use with the command line:

appcmd.exe set config -section:webFarms -?

And particularly the section you seem to be interested by:

interesting settings

And finally, to view the current config of your server farm:

appcmd.exe list config /section:webFarms

Should get you something like:






You may generate PowerShell script from IIS Manager.

IIS Manager 1

IIS Manager 2

Web Server (IIS) Administration Cmdlets in Windows PowerShell

Also, you may edit C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config file manually.

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