
I am using Microsoft's Ribbon of WPF 4.5 and developing application using VS2012 (C#) on Win 8 machine. I want to make my application show RibbonApplicationMenu like the "File"-menu of Office Word 2010, but I can't find out which control is used for it (see attached screenshot, red-marked control number 1 and 2). I also tried RibbonApplicationSplitMenuItem but it is more like Office old-style. Maybe anyone can tell me. Thank you in advance.

Which control is used


解決 3

Finally I found the answer in wpf sample browser of infragistics netadvantage. The no. 1 is called "backstage" (ribbon 2010 style), no. 2 is a "application menu item". (in my opinion) The infragistics' ribbon is easier to use than the Microsoft's one, since I can't find tutorial how to create backstage (ribbon 2010 style); the existing tutorials are mostly using old ribbon (2007 style). Here take a look my simple code snippet:

<Window x:Class="TestRibbon.MainWindow"
    mc:Ignorable="d ignore"
    Title="Test Ribbon"
    DataContext="{Binding Main, Source={StaticResource Locator}}">
    <Grid x:Name="gridMain">
        <igRibbon:XamRibbon x:Name="ribbonMain" 
                <igRibbon:ApplicationMenu2010 Caption="File">
                    <igRibbon:ApplicationMenu2010Item KeyTip="I"
                            <Grid Margin="20,0,0,0">
                                    <ColumnDefinition Width="150" />
                                    <ColumnDefinition Width="150" />
                                <StackPanel Grid.Column="0">
                                    <TextBlock Margin="0,20,0,0" Foreground="Black" Text="IP" />
                                <StackPanel Grid.Column="1">
                                    <TextBlock Margin="0,20,0,0" />
                                    <TextBlock Foreground="DarkGray" Text="" />


1) I suggest you use the ribbon that's inside .net 4.5 (add a reference to System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon). I'm not sure what you used the external one. 2)What you need for a menu is Ribbon.ApplicationMenu

3) Below is a working ribbon (based on that) that includes several types of buttons as well as a menu that you require. All you need for this to work is to add an images folder with an "options.png" in it.

<Window x:Class="WpfApplication1.MainWindow"
        Title="MainWindow" Height="350" Width="525">
        <Ribbon  SelectedIndex="0" Grid.Column="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="5">

            <!-- Help Pane, located at the right-hand side -->
                <RibbonButton SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" />

            <!-- Quick Access Toolbar - located at the upper-left corner -->
                    <RibbonButton x:Name ="Save" SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" />
                    <RibbonSplitButton x:Name ="Undo" SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" >
                        <RibbonSplitMenuItem Header="Undo 1" />
                        <RibbonSplitMenuItem Header="Undo 2" />
                    <RibbonSplitButton x:Name="Redo" SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" >
                        <RibbonSplitMenuItem Header="Redo 1" />
                        <RibbonSplitMenuItem Header="Redo 2" />
                    <RibbonCheckBox Label="Sound" KeyTip="X" />
            <!-- Application Menu, located at the left-hand side (down arrow) -->
                <RibbonApplicationMenu KeyTip="F">
                    <RibbonApplicationMenuItem Header="Options1" ImageSource="Images\options.png" />
                    <RibbonApplicationMenuItem Header="Exit2" ImageSource="Images\options.png" />

            <!-- Ribbon Tab #1: Home -->
            <RibbonTab Header="Home" KeyTip="H" >

                <!-- Home  group-->
                <RibbonGroup x:Name="ClipboardGroup" Header="Home">
                    <RibbonMenuButton LargeImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="Activate" KeyTip="V">
                        <RibbonToggleButton SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="blabla" KeyTip="H" />
                        <RibbonToggleButton SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="option2" />
                    <RibbonToggleButton SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="Toggle " KeyTip="X" />
                    <RibbonToggleButton x:Name="Toggle11" SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="Just a Toggle" KeyTip="FP" />


                <!-- Employee And Payroll group-->
                <RibbonGroup x:Name="Employee" Header="Adjust View">
                    <RibbonMenuButton LargeImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="Test" KeyTip="V">
                        <RibbonMenuItem ImageSource="Images\options.png" Header="Keep Text Only" KeyTip="T"/>
                        <RibbonMenuItem ImageSource="Images\options.png" Header="Paste Special..." KeyTip="S"/>
                    <RibbonCheckBox SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="Sound" KeyTip="X" />



            <!-- Ribbon Tab #2: Launch -->
            <RibbonTab Header="Settings" KeyTip="I">
                <!-- Launch/Applications group-->
                <RibbonGroup Header="Settings">
                    <RibbonButton SmallImageSource="Images\options.png" Label="Record" KeyTip="C" />

            <RibbonTab Header="PageLayout" KeyTip="L">
                <!-- Launch/Applications group-->
                    <Label Content="Right panel!"></Label>
                <RibbonApplicationMenuItem Header="Exit" Click="ShutDown" />


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