
ObjCMongoDB seems to be documented perfectly well for basic CRUD functionality, but for other mongo commands there's no explanation at all.

Specifically, I need to know how to do:


Any help, as always, would be greatly appreciated.



Right now there's not a specific interface for findAndModify, but you can invoke arbitrary database commands with this method:

-[MongoConnection runCommandWithDictionary:onDatabaseName:error:]

The 10gen docs for findAndModify give this example command:

    findAndModify: "people",
    query: { name: "Tom", state: "active", rating: { $gt: 10 } },
    sort: { rating: 1 },
    update: { $inc: { score: 1 } }

If you create a dictionary with that structure and pass it to -runCommandWithDictionary you should get the result you want.

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