
I'm looking for Spring 4.0 M1, for use with Java 8. According to this issue there should be a build, can't find however. Ideally there would be a Maven repo, but I can't even find a regular download?



As of December 12, 2013, Spring 4.0.0.RELEASE is in Maven Central.

You can add this to your pom.xml to bring it in:



Quoting Paul Grays answer - Spring 4 is already in Maven central so you just need to add this dependency


Older asnwer

I think you need to add Spring repository to your pom.xml


Then you can add your Spring module with following version 4.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT. So for example


When I look at the Spring Framework summary page it states that 4.0 M1 is not released yet - it is scheduled for Tuesday, 2013-05-14

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