
I use Nineject for .NET ioc container. I would like to use the factory method, but I can not. There is not .ToFactory method.

I added to project the Ninject.Extensions.Factory extension for Ninejct for .NET and I added the CastleCore 3.0 to the project then I would like to invoke the ToFactory method, I do not see it.

There are, ToMethod, ToProvider method, but there is not ToFactory

I tried on this code:

public class Foo
    private IBarFactroy barFactroy;
    public Foo(IBarFactory barFactory)
        this.barFactory = barFactory;

    public void Do()
        var bar = this.barFactroy.CreateBar();

public interface IBarFactory
    Bar CreateBar();

in this way


Why am I not able to invoke the ToFactory method?

I see the NuGet installed the ninject 3.0.2 prelease ninject for .net



You need to add a namespace reference:

using Ninject.Extensions.Factory;
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