
I have little problem with wsgen, everytime when I use it, I get error "class not found". I want use it for class StudentServiceEndpoint in directory webservices. Any ideas how should I do it?

Here is picture of my direcory structure: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/4274/5g8.png


PS. sorry for my english ;p

EDIT: I edited the image.



Go to target/classes in terminal and run

wsgen -verbose -keep -cp . pl.edu.pk.webservices.StudentServiceEndpoint   

Summary of used flags:

-verbose - show additional information

-keep - don't remove generated stuff

-cp . -classpatch is in current location


Go to the bin\classes\target directory in command promt

and run wsgen -verbose -keep -cp . v.com.Impl class name.

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