Linking to static library consisting of several libraries and object files using a single header file



I'm working on a quite large and messy project that I haven't really got time to clean up and I've been tasked with providing an API for it. What I'm trying to do is wrapping all the ugly stuff up in a single static library and then provide it with a single header file.

But when trying to build an executable using the header file and library I get a bunch of "undefined reference" errors. I guess it would work if I provided all the header files, but I really don't want to have to do this.

Right now the makefile looks something (slightly altered for simplicity) like this:

myprog.elf : libgiant_lib.a main.o
    gcc -pg -o $@ main.o -lgiant_lib

main.o : main.c
    gcc -c $(CFLAGS) $(SOME_INCLUDES) $< -o $@

libgiant_lib.a : $(A_BUNCH_OF_LIBS) $(COUPLE_OF_OBJS) api.o
    ar rcs $@ $^

api.o : api.c api.h
    gcc -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES_FOR_BUNCH_OF_LIBS) $< -o $@

I've checked the libgiant_lib.a archive and it seems to contain all the libraries and object files it should. But still, linking against it doesn't work.

I'm pretty sure I'm missing something obvious here...



Looks to me that your include files may have references to other include files. So, you will need to provide a flag to indicate the location of those include files. I'll suggest providing the location (directory containing all include files) as


and including it in the compilation phase using the -I flag. For example, your rule for api.o will become

api.o: api.c api.h
        gcc -c $(CFLAGS) -I$(INCL_DIR) $(INCLUDES_FOR_BUNCH_OF_LIBS) $< -o $@
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