
we run a lot of JUnit tests like this:

public static class Group1 extends AbstractTester {
    public void testSomething() {
        // Testmethod

With several Groups. surefire-report yields a warning for each group that looks like this:

[warn] [XHTML Sink] Modified invalid anchor name: 'TestClass$Group1' to 'TestClassGroup1'

So its eliminating the "$". In the XML output this $ are still in like here:

<testcase time="0.158" classname="TestClass$Group1" name="testSomething">

When I know generate the html report with mvn site the links are not working. Because the anchors get a name without $ but the href have a $ in it resulting in not working links...

Anyone knows how to fix this?



It's just an unnecessary internal warning of a Maven library.

"This is no problem for the generated HTML page since the sink implementation takes care of this."

See issue https://www.smartics.eu/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=710

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