
Want to convert for example that date:


In that case:
02 - Day
08 - Month
2012 - Year

For now I separate the date but not able to convert into month:

#echo "02082012"|gawk -F "" '{print $1$2 "-" $3$4 "-" $5$6$7$8}'

Expected view after convert and to catch all Months:




kent$ date -d "$(echo '02082012'|sed -r 's/(..)(..)(....)/\3-\2-\1/')" "+%d-%b-%Y"


Another Perl sollution with the POSIX module, which is in the Perl core.

use POSIX 'strftime';

my $date = '02082012';
print strftime( '%d-%b-%Y', 0, 0, 0,
  substr( $date, 0, 2 ),
  substr( $date, 2, 2 ) - 1,
  substr( $date, 4, 4 ) - 1900 );

Look at http://strftime.net/ for a very nice overview of what the placeholders to strftime do.

Using Perl’s POSIX module and strftime looks like

#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use POSIX qw/ strftime /;

while (<>) {

  if (my($d,$m,$y) = /^(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d\d\d)$/) {
    print strftime("%d-%b-%Y", 0, 0, 0, $d, $m-1, $y-1900), "\n";


$ echo 02082012 | convert-date

Time::Piece is a core Perl module and is great for simple manipulations like this.


use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use Time::Piece;

my $string = '02082012';

my $date = Time::Piece->strptime($string, '%d%m%Y');

say $date->strftime('%d-%b-%Y');

(Yes, this is very similar to user1811486's answer - but it uses the correct formats as requested in the original question.)

I think like this.....

use 5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Time::Piece;
my $date = '2013-04-07';
my $t = Time::Piece->strptime($date, '%Y-%m-%d');
print $t->month;
print $t->strftime('%Y-%b-%d');

Just I tried this ...

To break apart a string with fixed field lengths, use unpack:

my $input = "02082012";
my ( $day, $month, $year ) = unpack( 'a2 a2 a4', $input );
print "$input becomes $day, $month, $year\n";

See http://perldoc.perl.org/functions/unpack.html

Then, as stated in the other answers, use POSIX::strftime() to reformat the date.

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