
I am using a BlockingCollection with a class of type T and I am wondering if I should turn T into a struct.

From the BlockingCollection signature in principle I do not see problems with that:

[DebuggerDisplay("Count = {Count}, Type = {m_collection}")]
[DebuggerTypeProxy(typeof (SystemThreadingCollections_BlockingCollectionDebugView<>))]
[HostProtection(SecurityAction.LinkDemand, ExternalThreading = true, Synchronization = true)]
public class BlockingCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>, ICollection, IEnumerable, IDisposable

However, the semantic of blocking operation take supporting cancellation is that it returns null if the operation is cancelled before an element becomes available. The problem here is that a structure can't be null, so the following code is invalid

Struct myStruct = collection.Take(cancellationToken);
if(myStruct!=null) ... code

Are therefore blocking collections limited to classes, or does the semantic change returning a non-initialized struct?



According to the documentation, Take doesn't return null if the operation is cancelled: an OperationCanceledException is thrown instead. Feel free to use any type, and be prepared to handle the exception if needed.


This has more to do with the behavior of structures vs classes. It's not only that a class can't be null, but it's also passed by value, not by reference. This means that each time you access an element of your collection, you'll get a copy of it instead of the original element.

This is the same for all collections, not just the blocking collections.

Regarding Take, as Julien notes, Take throws a OperationCanceledException, it doesn't return a null value. If you want to use Take you'll have to handle the exception whether you use a Struct or a Class.

A better alternative, especially if you expect frequent cancellatins, is to use TryTake instead of Take and check the result. e.g.

Struct myStruct;
if(collection.TryTake(out myStruct))
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