
In Python, is there a way to detect whether a given network interface is up?

In my script, the user specifies a network interface, but I would like to make sure that the interface is up and has been assigned an IP address, before doing anything else.

I'm on Linux and I am root.


解決 2

As suggested by @Gabriel Samfira, I used netifaces. The following function returns True when an IP address is associated to a given interface.

def is_interface_up(interface):
    addr = netifaces.ifaddresses(interface)
    return netifaces.AF_INET in addr

The documentation is here


The interface can be configured with an IP address and not be up so the accepted answer is wrong. You actually need to check /sys/class/net/<interface>/flags. If the content is in the variable flags, flags & 0x1 is whether the interface is up or not.

Depending on the application, the /sys/class/net/<interface>/operstate might be what you really want, but technically the interface could be up and the operstate down, e.g. when no cable is connected.

All of this is Linux-specific of course.

Answer using psutil:

import psutil
import socket

def check_interface(interface):
    interface_addrs = psutil.net_if_addrs().get(interface) or []
    return socket.AF_INET in [snicaddr.family for snicaddr in interface_addrs]

With pyroute2.IPRoute:

from pyroute2 import IPRoute
ip = IPRoute()
state = ip.get_links(ip.link_lookup(ifname='em1'))[0].get_attr('IFLA_OPERSTATE')

With pyroute2.IPDB:

from pyroute2 import IPDB
ip = IPDB()
state = ip.interfaces.em1.operstate

You can see the content of the file in /sys/class/net/<interface>/operstate. If the content is not down then the interface is up.

If the question is about checking if the cable is conencted (FreeBSD);

[status for status in run.cmd(' /usr/local/bin/sudo ifconfig %s ' % interface).split("\t") if status.strip().startswith("status")][0].strip().endswith("active")

For this, no api support so far :( ...

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