
I have a class that is not an ActiveRecord object and im trying to create a AM serializer for it. I can return the proper json, but its not including a root

in have this in my controller

format.json { render json: @current_user, root: "current_user" }

and my class looks like this

class CurrentUser 
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  include ActiveModel::Conversion
  extend ActiveModel::Naming

  attr_accessor :first_name, :last_name, :user_type, :user_id


Ive also tried adding this in the controller

 def default_serializer_options
  {root: true}

But still my json object does not have the root which I need for Ember Model

return object


and I need

{current_user: {"first_name":"Luke","last_name":"Skywalker","user_type":"Padawan","user_id":12} }

解決 2

If using default_serializer_options inside your controller doesn't work, maybe you should have a look into config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb for include_root_in_json option.

If you are curious, concerned source code for that option can be found here.


For anyone in the future who may come across this same problem, when using ActiveModelSerializers 0.10.x, just add to an existing initializer or create a new one and add this to include the root node in your responses:

config/initializers/serializer.rb: ActiveModel::Serializer.config.adapter = :json

AMS documentation states that this is not backwards compatible for versions 0.9.x and 0.8.x.

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