
I've been goofing aroung with my bigcartel onlineshop template for almost a week now, proceeding to edit an already existing theme to match my imagination.

In order to match my country's legal requirements regarding online sales, I need to include a checkbox which indicates that my customer has read, understood and accepted the terms of condition of my shop- to sum it up - the part that nobody reads at all :D

First, I tried inserting a checkbox with some text into the section and

<input id="agb_check" name="agb_check" type="checkbox" required /><span id="agb_txt">SOME TEXT.</span>

That however, didn't effect my submit button, but my "Refresh" Button which is used to calculate shipping costs, as soon you have selected a country.

Next, I tried to block the page from loading by adding a onclick event handler to my submit button:

<button id="checkout-btn" class="button" onclick="validiere()" title="Checkout" type="button">Checkout</button>

and added this script to my head section:

function validiere(){ 
    else {

Well- that didn't work out either.

Do you guys have any suggestions?

the site is: explore.dlld-fashion.de

Basically, the "checkbox required" pop-up which comes up when u try to recalculate your shipping costs would be perfect.

Thank you for your time and best regards from Germany!


HTML Form code:

     <form id="cart-form" {% unless cart.shipping.enabled or cart.discount.enabled %}class="no_options"{% endunless %} method="post" action="/cart">
  <div id="cart_description">
    <section id="cart_items">
        {% for item in cart.items %}
        <li class="cart_item {% unless item.product.has_default_option %}with_option{% endunless %}" id="item-{{ item.id }}">          
          <div class="item_image"><img src="{{ item.product.image | product_image_url size:"thumb" }}" alt="Photo of {{ item.name }}"></div>          
            <dt><a href="{{ item.product.url }}">{{ item.product.name }}</a></dt>
            <dd class="item_price">{{ item.unit_price | money_with_sign }}{% if item.quantity > 1 %}<span class="item_quantity">(x{{ item.quantity }})</span>{% endif %}</dd>
            <dd class="quantity_input" style="display:none">{{ item | item_quantity_input }}</dd>
            {% unless item.product.has_default_option %}<dd class="item_option">{{ item.option.name }}</dd>{% endunless %}

          <a href="#" class="remove_item" title="Remove item from cart">Remove item</a>
        {% endfor %}         

    {% if cart.shipping.enabled or cart.discount.enabled %}
    <section id="cart_options">
        {% if cart.shipping.enabled %}
        {% if cart.shipping.strict %}
        <li id="shipping_option">
          <label for="country">Shipping</label>
          {{ store.country | country_select }}

          {% if cart.shipping.pending %}
            {% if cart.country %}
            <span class="no_shipping">We don't ship to {{ cart.country.name }}</span>
            {% endif %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

        {% if cart.discount.enabled %}
        <li id="cart_discount" class="cart_item">
          {% if cart.discount.pending %}
            <label id="cart_discount_label" for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>
            {{ cart.discount | discount_code_input }}
          {% elsif cart.discount.free_shipping %}
             <label for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>        
            <p>{{ cart.discount.name }}</p>         
          {% else %}
            <label for="cart_discount_code">Discount</label>        
            <p>{{ cart.discount.name }}</p>
          {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

      <div class="cart-update">
        <button id="update-btn-footer" class="update-btn button disabled" name="update" type="submit" title="Update your cart total"><span>Update total</span></button>
    {% endif %}

  <section id="cart_summary">
        <span>{{ cart.subtotal | money_with_sign }}</span>
      {% if cart.shipping.enabled %}
      <li id="cart-shipping-tax">
        {% if cart.shipping.pending %}
          {% if cart.country %}
          <span class="shipping-amount">Select another country</span>
          {% else %}
          <span class="shipping-amount">Select country</span>
          {% endif %}
        {% else %}
          <span class="shipping-amount">{{ cart.shipping.amount | money_with_sign }}</span>
        {% endif %}
      {% else %}
      <li id="cart-shipping-tax" class="not_set">
        <span>Applicable fees apply</span>
      {% endif %}

      {% if cart.discount.enabled %}
        {% if cart.discount.pending %}

        {% elsif cart.discount.free_shipping %}
          <span>Free shipping!</span>
        {% else %}
          <span>-{{ cart.discount.amount | money_with_sign }}</span>
        {% endif %}
      {% endif %}
      <li id="cart_total">
        <h2>{{ cart.total | money_with_sign }}</h2>

    <button id="checkout-btn" class="button" onclick="validiere()" title="Checkout" type="button">Checkout</button>

  <input id="agb_check" name="agb_check" type="checkbox" required /><span id="agb_txt">Hiermit erkläre ich mich mit den geltenden AGB's einverstanden.</span>



If you change your function to something like the following, it should work:

function validiere(){ 
    else {
    return false;


The validation function can be called from the submit button of the form. It should return false in case of validation failure.



to prevent the default behaviour (submitting)

also, just

document.getElementById('theFormId').onsubmit = function() {                
                return false;
             return true;

should work.

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