
I have this Java class

class Dog {
  private String name;

  public Dog() {
    name = "Fido";

  public String getName() {
    return name;

And as mentioned here I have performed these steps

1. Compile the class.
      mkdir classes
      javac -d classes src/Dog.java

   2.Add classes to the classpath in your Rails application (an initializer for example).
      require 'java'
      $CLASSPATH << File.join(Rails.root, "classes")

   3.Import the class.
      java_import Java::Dog

But still I am not able to access the getName() method in rails 3 with the NoMethodError, but the method is accesible in jRuby.

도움이 되었습니까?


try making the java class PUBLIC it worked for me.since the default is package-private

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