
Is there a way — for example with something like <!--[if IE 8]> — to get a stylesheet only for IE8 and IE in «Compatibly View»?

I ran into a (SharePoint-Layout-)Problem, which only occurs if IE8 is in «IE8 Compat View»-Browser-Mode, but works just fine if IE8 is «IE8»- or «IE7»-Browser-Mode. If I get the stylesheet only with <!--[if IE 8]>, the css will be ignored if IE8 is in compatibly view because it 'behaves like IE7' — the css will only be loaded if IE8 is in «IE8»-Browser-Mode. But I need it also if he is in the «IE8 Compat View»-Browser-Mode.

도움이 되었습니까?


See the SO post "Detect IE8 Compatibility Mode", in which user Mark Kamoski mentions the Microsoft article Defining Document Compatibility.

If you browse to the section Determining Document Compatibility Mode, you can use a test on document.documentMode (and document.compatMode for older browsers) to determine the mode. I don't know of how to roll this into a purely CSS implementation, but you can dynamically generate some CSS using some code to achieve this.

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