
I have a WinForms app that instantiates the WP7 emulator. Everything works great locally (of course). But I've created a VM to test installations and XCopies. Getting the following exception upon attempts to pull up the emulator with my app in the VM:

"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.DeviceConnectivity.Interop.10.0, Version="

I have the Microsoft.SmartDevice.Connectivity assembly set to copy local, so it's along for the ride. But nothing else shows up.

I was looking for a Corecon API instllation that was separate from the Visual Studio install, but wasn't able to find one. Seems like that would solve my issue since the assembly in question is sitting in the GAC.

Am I going to have to resort to actually referencing this assembly manually in my project? Or is there a better way?

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Your issue is running the emulator inside a VM.

The emulator is a VM and running it inside a VM is not offficially supported. Different people have had differing levels of success using different virtualization technologies so you may have success with a different one.

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