
I've added a theming directory to my app as described here, using prepend_view_path. It works as expected. I can now add a view structure in my app under app/themes/my_theme/views

Now, I want to be able to override erb templates by dropping in a .liquid file, which will render right off the controller action.

For example, I want to override app/views/pages/home.html.erb:

<h1><%= t 'it_works' %></h1>

...with app/themes/my_theme/views/pages/home.liquid

<h1>It works with {{ "liquid" }}</h1>

I don't want to have to specify an array of view paths (upkeep would be awful), but just add .liquid as a layer to the templating engine. Maybe, however, have a blacklist of protected views that cannot be overridden (such as app/views/admin/*)

도움이 되었습니까?


Do you have a liquid template handler? Otherwise Rails won't know what you want to do with .liquid files. See this blog post: http://royvandermeij.com/blog/2011/09/21/create-a-liquid-handler-for-rails-3-dot-1/

For your second question: not using a theme for app/views/admin/* you should make sure you have an AdminController that does not prepend_view_path.

다른 팁

According to the documentation you can use prepend_view_path

Add the following to your ApplicationController:

before_filter :set_theme_path

def set_theme_path
  prepend_view_path "app/themes/#{current_theme}"

So Rails should then look for any views in your theme specific directory in preference to the default views in app/views/**/*

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