
Is it possible to get user's steamID by his nickname? I didn't find solution in steam API documentation. The only one thing that I found is an old post on http://dev.dota2.com :

You can use this to search the Dota2 API directly using the player_name option of GetMatchHistory You can then find their 32-bit ID in the list and then convert it to a 64-bit ID.

But now GetMatchHistory function does not have player_name parameter. Now it requires account_id.

So how the websites like http://dotabuff.com/search?q=Dendi get this info?

도움이 되었습니까?


You can use

GET http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/ResolveVanityURL/v0001/

to get the SteamID from the custom URL of a Steam Profile. See http://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/WebAPI/ResolveVanityURL

You can't get the steamID from someone's current nickname because nicknames can change and are not unique.

다른 팁

Using PHP and the Steam Condenser project, you can accomplish this.


$playername = 'NAMEOFPLAYER';
    $id = SteamId::create($playername);
catch (SteamCondenserException $s)
    // Error occurred

echo $id->getSteamId;

There are usage examples in the wiki for the project if you need more information.

This is JS answer, not PHP, but anyway

You can use this url address to get list of users from steamcommunity.com/search/ page


text means username, sessionid means sessionid from cookie files, which you can obtain by going to the site itself

Here is my crappy code for demo:

let axios = require('axios').default;

//create axios instance from which we will get to the search list
let instance = axios.create({ baseURL: 'https://steamcommunity.com' });

async function getSessionId() {

  let res = await axios.get('https://steamcommunity.com/');
  let [cookie] = res.headers['set-cookie'];
  instance.defaults.headers.Cookie = cookie;
  return cookie;


getSessionId().then(cookie => {

  let session = cookie.split(' ')[0].slice(10, -1);
  instance.get(`https://steamcommunity.com/search/SearchCommunityAjax?text=aaa&filter=users&sessionid=${session}&steamid_user=false&page=1`).then(res => {
    //i have regex
    let regex = /('<div>')/|/('<img>')/|/('<span>')/g
    //html also
    let arr = res.data.html.split(regex).join('').split('\t').join('').split('\n').join('').split('\r');

    arr = arr.filter(a => a !== '');
    arr = arr.filter(a => a.includes("searchPersonaName"));
    let result = [];

    arr.forEach(a => {
            let [link, name] = a.replace('<a class="searchPersonaName" href="','').replace('</a><br />','').split('">');

            let obj = {





        console.log(result); //logs out array of objects with links and usernames

Here is my solution for this problem:

module.exports.getProfile = async (req, res) => {
let response = { success: false, data: {}, error: {} }
let { profileAddress } = req.body;
if (profileAddress) {
    try {
        let steamId;
        let split = profileAddress.split('/');
        split = split.filter(arrayItem => arrayItem != '');
        if (split[split.length - 2] === 'profiles') {
            steamId = split[split.length - 1]
        } else {
            let vanityUrl = split[split.length - 1];
            let steamIdResponse = await axios.get(
            if (steamIdResponse.data.response.success === 1) {
                steamId = steamIdResponse.data.response.steamid;
            } else {
                response.error = steamIdResponse.data.response.message;
        let profileResponse = await axios.get(
        if (profileResponse.data.response.players[0]) {
            response = {
                success: true,
                data: profileResponse.data.response.players[0],
                error: null
        } else {
            response.error = response.error ? response.error : "Failed to get Profile.";
    } catch (error) {
        response.error = "Failed to get Profile."
} else {
    response.error = "Profile URL missing."

Simple way if you are not using an api

Go to your steam profile page Right Click -> Inspect Element -> Ctrl + F (Find) -> Type 'steamid' (Without quotes)

Thank me later :)

Have you read over this from the Steam Web API?


It has an example of using a steam profile url to return the users Steam ID, also some other arguments to gather other information.

If you read down a bit from there it states that "Returns the friend list of any Steam user

Example URL: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetFriendList/v0001/?key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&steamid=76561197960435530&relationship=friend"

  • you can add the arguments for profile information to be returned such as the Steam ID providing the profile is public.
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