
I need to create a table with user information from omniauth Facebook in Ruby on Rails.

I have to set up a table for all the users that use my system. I use Facebook for login-authentication and I would like to fetch Firstname, Lastname, Photo, and Email from Facebook and store them in a local database which I will be linking to many other databases.

도움이 되었습니까?


You can get all the information from

data = request.env["omniauth.auth"]

Put this line in your action in the controller and the variable data will have all the information you require in the form of Hash which you can easily obtain.

By inspecting the data in yaml format, it will look something like this

--- !ruby/hash:OmniAuth::AuthHash
provider: facebook
uid: '100000003334572'
info: !ruby/hash:OmniAuth::AuthHash::InfoHash
  nickname: amit.thawait
  email: amit17thawait@gmail.com
  name: Amit Thawait
  first_name: Amit
  last_name: Thawait
  image: http://graph.facebook.com/100000003334572/picture?type=square
  description: I do, what I feel is right.
  urls: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/amit.thawait
  location: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
  verified: true
credentials: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
  token:   BAABxTjZCB4e8BAAgSGOoZAmpcDaWjaPM3muL0ZCyEJuLMZAkj5RBnlKy8USptBk4FDSlVyjSszAz1spo5J3K5lUrd6jkU87ZAvv37FJqzATLpV048UxjvhZBDaMZAVJKn9hUFfpJfuikRs4rHIkfvf6kPqNJw2BK8QOIObiBvopQfy0hGbJWBegjomnc9DY4IwZD
  expires_at: 1371899187
  expires: true
extra: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
  raw_info: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
    id: '100000003334572'
    name: Amit Thawait
    first_name: Amit
    last_name: Thawait
    link: http://www.facebook.com/amit.thawait
    username: amit.thawait
    hometown: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
      id: '108844689143285'
      name: Korba, Chhattisgarh, India
    location: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
      id: '114759761873412'
      name: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    bio: I do, what I feel is right.
    - !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
      employer: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '108134792547341'
        name: Tata Consultancy Services
      location: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '114759761873412'
        name: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
      position: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '149467135066791'
        name: Systems Engineer
      start_date: 2010-01
    - !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
      school: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '115059778505995'
      year: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '194878617211512'
        name: '2002'
      type: High School
    - !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
      school: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '110549502306553'
        name: Vikas Airport Campus, Vishakhapatnam (A.P)
      year: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '113125125403208'
        name: '2004'
      type: High School
    - !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
      school: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '209094152551215'
        name: Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg (C.G.)
      year: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '136328419721520'
        name: '2009'
      type: College
    - !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
      school: !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '129487623787373'
        name: Vikas Airport Campus,Vishakhapatnam
      type: College
      - !ruby/hash:Hashie::Mash
        id: '100000414638041'
        name: Surjit Basu
    gender: male
    email: amit17thawait@gmail.com
    timezone: 5.5
    locale: en_US
    verified: true
    updated_time: '2013-04-18T17:22:04+0000'

You can also have a look at Facebook's Graph API


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