
All i am working on windows phone 8. I want to show green Progress-bar according to my download percentage into my ListBox which is filling with objects dynamically. I don't want to show moving dots which is the inbuilt Progress-bar of the windows phone 8. So is there any control or approach for perform this OR can we have/create user-Control like green moving Progress-bar according to my download percentage in this scenario ?

Most welcome suggesions and solutions. Thank you in Advance.

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

We can show the green progress bar in windows phone 8, i have successfully done.

i made the IsDeterminate Proterty as false and bind the progresschanged event values to the Value property of my progressBar. its working superb.

<ProgressBar x:Name="myProgressBar" IsIndeterminate="True" VerticalAlignment="Center" Visibility="Visible" Width="900" TextOptions.TextHintingMode="Animated" CharacterSpacing="2"/>

It is working as i wanted. simple, easy and superb control....

다른 팁

The moving dots animation is the de-facto way of indicating a process that will take an unknown amount of time. The ProgressBar can easily be used to show a specific step value and be of any colour you want.

<ProgressBar Foreground="Green"
             IsIndeterminate="False" />

Of course you'd probably bind the Value or set it from code behind.

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