
How to add the translations for cakephp libs files to by default.po file
for example
- months name
- day's name
- timeAgoInWords

i try to add strings to default.po manually
but everytime i update it from default.pot (using poedit)
the strings are gone.

please help me to solve it
it will fine to find solution by using separate .po file

도움이 되었습니까?


i solve it
- create /app/views/dummy.ctp
- duplicate by coping the translation from cake\libs\view\helpers\time.ctp to dummy.ctp
- and cake i18n will add translations to default.pot

다른 팁

You can see the relevant strings for timeAgoInWords at the end of TimeHelper::timeAgoInWords. They're just normal translation strings along the lines of 'year', 'years', 'month', 'months' etc, just put these translations into the general domain .po file.

There's one special case where a full date string may be printed like 'on 18/2/09'. The "on" can be localized by localizing the string 'on %s', but the date format needs to be passed to the timeAgoInWords function:

$this->Time->timeAgoInWords($time, array('format' => __('Y-m-d', true)));

The month names follow the same schema, just add translations for 'January', 'February', etc in your general domain translation file. Not quite sure where Cake outputs the day that would need to be translated though. Please elaborate.

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