How to get meaningful message for failing Specs2 test on all elements of a collection?


  •  30-06-2022
  •  | 


I have a list of files exampleProblems, to each of which I want to apply a method and check that it doesn't throw an exception. The problem is that I don't get a good failure message from Specs2. I need to find out which element caused the problem. I already tried adding an aka, but with no success.

Here is the code:

def is: Fragments =
    "parse all example uai files" ! (exampleProblems must contain((p: String) => {
      Problem.parseUAIProblem(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(p)).aka(p) must throwAn[Exception].not

And here is the message I'm getting:

java.lang.Exception: There is 1 failure Got the exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: variables are not ordered increasingly

at vultura.fastfactors.UAIParserTest$$anonfun$is$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(UAIParserTest.scala:24) at vultura.fastfactors.UAIParserTest$$anonfun$is$1$$anonfun$apply$1.apply(UAIParserTest.scala:24)

도움이 되었습니까?


This means that the throwA[E] matcher should be improved to display the expectable description when using aka. I'll fix this but as a work-around you can write:

class TestSpec extends Specification {  def is =
  "parse all example uai files" ! {
    Seq("a", "b") must contain { (p: String) =>
      s"$p is ok" ==> { { sys.error("bang"); p} must not (throwAn[Exception]) }

This displays:

[info] x parse all example uai files
[error]  There is 1 failure
[error]  a is not ok because Got the exception java.lang.RuntimeException: bang
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