
Is it possible to specify description for every response to some request? Suppose, we have a request

### Retrieve resource [GET]

    + Headers

            If-None-Match: "Version1"

And 2 responses

+ Response 200 (application/xml)

    + Headers

            ETag: "Version2"

    + Body

                    <B />
                    <C />

+ Response 304 (application/xml)

What I would like is to specify description like here (please note comments right under + Response lines):

+ Response 200 (application/xml)
In case if the resource hasn't changed

    + Headers

            ETag: "Version2"

    + Body

                    <B />
                    <C />

+ Response 304 (application/xml)
In case if the resource has changed

Is it possible?

도움이 되었습니까?


Currently there is not way to express such a logic in the API Blueprint. You can always describe it "by mouth" in the respective responses or under the action itself. For example:

# Resource [/1]

## Action [GET]

Explanation of this action here.

+ Request 


+ Response 200

    Explanation of this response.

    + Headers


    + Body


+ Response 304

    Explanation of this response.

    + Headers


Note it is quite likely there will be some limited branching support in the near future in order to support content negotiation.

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