
I've been converting an existing application over to use MvvmCross (HotTuna) and one of the Android controls I've used a fair bit is the RatingBar.

I'm having trouble getting 2-way binding working on this control and I suspect that I should implement an MvxRatingBar in a similar style to the other Android controls under Cirrious.MvvmCross.Binding.Droid.Views.

Currently using just standard binding I have the following code:

    local:MvxBind="Max OutOf; NumStars OutOf; Rating ScoreA, Mode=TwoWay" />

My question is, would this be the recommended way to solve the problem of two-way binding on a control such as RatingBar?

도움이 되었습니까?


MvvmCross two-way binding "just works" for any control which provides a property API which follows a "Changed" pattern like:

public PType MyProperty { get; set; }
public event EventHandler MyPropertyChanged;

For controls which don't follow this convention or which use a specialised EventHandler, you either have to:

1. Inherit from the control and provide the pattern in the inherited control class

public class ExtraThing : Thing
    public ExtraThing(Context c, IAttributeSet attrs)
         : base(c, attrs)

    protected override SomethingChanged()

    public PType MyProperty
       get { return base.Something(); }
       set { base.ChangeSomething(value); }

    public event EventHandler MyPropertyChanged;

2. Or provide a custom target binding

This is discussed in full in http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/2013/06/n28-custom-bindings-n1-days-of-mvvmcross.html

The code basically required is for a custom 'target binding' which knows how to get/set the property and how to observe its changes:

public class ThingMyPropertyTargetBinding : MvxAndroidTargetBinding
    protected Thing Thing
        get { return (Thing) Target; }

    public ThingMyPropertyTargetBinding (Thing target) : base(target)

    public override void SubscribeToEvents()
        Thing.MyPropertyChanged += TargetOnMyPropertyChanged;

    private void TargetOnMyPropertyChanged(object sender, SpecialEventArgs eventArgs)
        var target = Target as Thing;

        if (target == null)

        var value = target.GetMyProperty();

    protected override void SetValueImpl(object target, object value)
        var binaryEdit = (Thing)target;

    public override Type TargetType
        get { return typeof(PType); }

    public override MvxBindingMode DefaultMode
        get { return MvxBindingMode.TwoWay; }

    protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)
        if (isDisposing)
            var target = Target as BinaryEdit;
            if (target != null)
                target.MyPropertyChanged -= TargetOnMyPropertyChanged;

This "TargetBinding" can then be registered during setup time using code like:

    protected override void FillTargetFactories(Cirrious.MvvmCross.Binding.Bindings.Target.Construction.IMvxTargetBindingFactoryRegistry registry)
                        thing => new ThingMyPropertyTargetBinding (thing) );

For RatingBar, I think either of these approaches would work ... and I think it would also be useful to get back into the core project for others to use.

다른 팁

Just for reference, Rating target binding is built in newer versions of Mvx as you can see here: List of local:MvxBind binders

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