
Is it possible to push VLAN information in DHCP message for Linksys phones?

I have sitches with untagged data VLAN and tagged VLAN for phones, but with no CDP or LLDP support.

I want to push provisioning to phones from IP PBX (asterisk) which is in Voice VLAN.

Polycom phones has that functionality (DHCP option (string) 128 which which should have value "VLAN-A=77;" for example) than phone after it receives dhcp information reconfigures ethernet port to VLAN 77.

I'm looking for simmilar functionality for linksys SPA phones

도움이 되었습니까?

해결책 2

solution for this case is to make tftp server availble from data VLAN. in defaul config file you have to add statement:


unfortunatly phone after receiving that file doesn't reboot so you have to reboot it manually (for examle toggle on/off PoE on switch)

77 - voice VLAN ID in my case please feel with your setting

다른 팁

Linksys ask vlan via CDP protocol. So that will work only if your switch is linksys or cisco.

Enable CDP
only if you are using a Linksys
switch. CDP is negotiation based and
determines which VLAN the SPA9X2 resides in.
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