
I am developing a shiny application in which I use tabsetPanel, which is generated when user enters some particular input. Thus, I want to use renderUI function to make a tabsetPanel appear / disappear.

My struggle now is that number of tabPanel elements (arguments of tabsetPanel) also depends on user input, in the way: sometimes I need 1 one, other times I want more tabPanels.

How to make it? I tried including conditionPanel or including simple if()... condition in the tabsetPanel argument, but it (rather not surprisingly...) did not work.

도움이 되었습니까?


Here you go. The code is fairly self explanatory.

  ui = pageWithSidebar(
    headerPanel('Dynamic Tabs'),
      numericInput("nTabs", 'No. of Tabs', 5)
  server = function(input, output, session){
    output$mytabs = renderUI({
      nTabs = input$nTabs
      myTabs = lapply(paste('Tab', 1: nTabs), tabPanel)
      do.call(tabsetPanel, myTabs)

다른 팁

There is a way to dynamically add tabPanels without renderUI, which might not be as obvious as the version with renderUI. I wrote a function addTabToTabset which will append any (list of) tabPanel(s) to a tabset/navbar.

This approach has a set of advantages over using renderUI:

  • Existing tabPanels are not re-rendered each time a new panel is added. (faster)
  • Thus, not resetting all the input variables inside existing Panels. (no variable storing workarounds needed)
  • Structure of the panel contents can be chosen individually. (In the lapply - renderUI version, all panels have to be somewhat uniform.)

The solution and code sample can be found in the answer here. If requested, I could also post the code here.

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