
I want to perform another calculation after checking the range $N$16:$N$9000 for all dates that are >=$C$6 as shown below.

=IF($N$16:$N$9000>=$C$6; "Y"; "N")

I really need a calculation that will test for >=$C$6 and <=$C$8.

The additional equation has been tested and works fine. It will replace the "Y" once I fix this portion of the logic.

도움이 되었습니까?


Assuming you want to count the values from another column according to date values >=$C$6 and <=$C$8, you could adapt an example from the Conditional Counting and Summation HowTo. It's based on the SUMPRODUCT function.

=SUMPRODUCT($N$16:$N$9000 >= $C$6; $N$16:$N$9000 <= $C$8; $P$16:$P$900)

(assuming that P16:P9000 holds the values to sum up)

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